Deleting installed apps
Though installed applications are automatically deleted when you return the device, you can perform the following procedure to delete applications and associated data yourself.
Uninstall an application
- Select the [Apps] - [Uninstall apps] menu item
- Select apps and click [Uninstall].
- The processing dialog will appear, and when complete the application data will be complete.
Uninstall All application
Using the steps below, all applications can be Uninstalled.
- Select the [Apps] - [All apps] - [Uninstall (dose not apply to pre-installed app)] menu item
- The processing dialog will appear, and when complete all apps uninstalled.
*Depending on the number of applications installed this can take time, so please wait for the action to complete.
Clear all Application Data
Using the steps below, all application data can be clear.
- Select the [Apps] - [All apps] - [Clear data] menu item
- The processing dialog will appear, and when complete all apps data cleared.