About account registration
Follow the steps below to begin account registration:
- Click the following button to open the registration screen.
- First, register your email address. When you submit an email address, we will send a confirmation email to that address.
- The confirmation email includes a URL that you must click to go to the registration screen. If you do not receive the confirmation email, check your spam folder, as it may have been placed there. If you still cannot find the confirmation email, you may have entered the email address incorrectly. In such a case, please register your email address again.
- Click the URL in Step 2 to go to the plan list screen. Select your desired plan to advance to the username and password registration screen.
- Fill in the necessary information, such as the name of the registrant and the company name.
Usernames and passwords may contain the following characters:
Username:From 6 to 64 letters, numbers or special characters (-, ., _, etc.)
Password:From 8 to 64 letters, numbers or special characters (-, ., _, etc.) - Confirm the entered information, and if it is correct, advance to the payment screen. Payment is handled on an external site. Credit cards are accepted as the payment method.
* External site
- Fill in the necessary billing information to complete payment. Once payment is complete, you will be returned to the Remote TestKit page, where a message appears indicating that your purchase is complete